Lighting Solutions for Multi-Site Retail
Get unparalelled control over your stores' lighting systems. According to the Pew Center, lighting is the largest signel user of energy in commercial and retail buildings, followed by space heating and space cooling. Reducing costs associated with lighting using Teletrol's energy management is a great place to start.Lighting Solutions
Effecitve lighting control requires a holistic view. Would you like to build a consistent lighting strategy where you extend the life of your investment while reducing your reliance on store staff to manually adjust lighting as necessary?
By creating logical lighting zones that automatically change by pre-established time set points, store staff can focus on shopper comfort, and store operations can rest easy knowing that the store is using only the energy it needs - when it needs it.
- Consistent use of lighting in all stores.
- Ability to automate control over lights for shopper comfort and employee safety.
- Proven to save time, money, and energy.
Teletrol can have a customized and flexible energy management solution working for you in within 30 days.
Open EMS in Action
Teletrol's multi-site retail solutions are designed to leverage existing open standards. Please visit to learn more about open energy management.
Retail Energy Management Leadership Example: Office Depot
Office Depot has been on the cutting edge of energy management solutions that lessen negative environmental implications. It has deployed "Green Power" in many of its stores, has attained LEED Gold status, and has embraced technologies that reduce energy consumption and improve energy management. Read More